
RDFAPI error (class: parser; method: generateModel): XML-parser-error 7 in Line 70 of input document.


1: <!DOCTYPE html>
2: <html lang="en">
3:   <head>
4:     <title>Wayback Machine</title>
5:     <script>
6:     /*
7:     @licstart  The following is the entire license notice for the JavaScript code in this page.
9:     Copyright (C) 2020 Internet Archive
61:         margin:0;
62:         background-color:black;
63:       }
64:       #react-wayback-search {
65:         max-width: 1170px;
66:         margin: 0 auto;
67:         padding: 10px;
68:       }
69:     </style>
70:   </head>
71:   <body class="navia">
73:                     <div class="ia-banners">

Check with RDF Validator

MFV ver. 0.88 modified 2004-12-25 by masaka@dev web.


FOAF (Friend of a friend) を利用して行っています。

Metadata of this service

Mobile FOAF Viewer masaka c608c06ce564b0a00846eab72659d8f1375b880b RDF FOAF PHP Displays a FOAF document in a compact form which fits even in a small screen of a mobile device. 2004-11-13 2004-12-25

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