
RDFAPI error (class: parser): illegal ID, nodeID or bagID attribute value.


1: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
3: <rdf:RDF
4:  xmlns:rdf=""
5:  xmlns:rdfs=""
6:  xmlns:foaf=""
7:  xmlns:dc=""
8:  xmlns:dcterms=""
9:  xmlns:air="" 
10:  xmlns:contact="" 
11:  xmlns:wn=""
12:  xmlns:geo=""
13:  xmlns:bio=""
14:  xmlns:rel=""
15:  xmlns:loaf=""
16:  xmlns:daml=""
17:  xmlns:BT="">
20: <!-- Overview - This is Jim Hughes' FoaF file, you're welcome to add a link
21: from your own FoaF file to this one, the immortal phrase "Any friend of FoaF
22: is a friend of mine" applies. Please tell me if you've linked to me and I'll
23: return the favour.
25: The content I'd prefer you to include in your file for me is as follows:

Check with RDF Validator

MFV ver. 0.88 modified 2004-12-25 by masaka@dev web.


FOAF (Friend of a friend) を利用して行っています。

Metadata of this service

Mobile FOAF Viewer masaka c608c06ce564b0a00846eab72659d8f1375b880b RDF FOAF PHP Displays a FOAF document in a compact form which fits even in a small screen of a mobile device. 2004-11-13 2004-12-25

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